The most important new tool that WhatsApp has added to allow Channels to interact with their fans is voice updates. Voice messages can now be sent to groups by channel administrators and owners, including celebrities.
WhatsApp Channels voice messages: Rapper Bad Bunny of Puerto Rico spearheaded the initial experiment of this feature, which is already being widely implemented. One of WhatsApp’s most well-liked features is voice updates, which allow users to send messages without having to type them. This is especially helpful when driving or multitasking. The app reportedly captures 7 billion voice communications every day. It makes sense that Meta would want to add this functionality to Channels.
Administrators can now allow their followers to engage in interactive polls within the conversation in addition to voice updates.
Additionally, WhatsApp has raised the maximum number of administrators that a Channel may have to 16 in order to guarantee that followers are kept up to date on the most recent changes. Conversely, fans now have the option to post Channel updates as their Status, which is similar to Instagram Stories on the messaging app. Users may be able to share voice updates from Channels, as voice notes may be shared as WhatsApp statuses. Global WhatsApp users will progressively be able to access all of these improvements.
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