Dollar to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate – On March 29, 2023, Pakistan’s current exchange rate for the dollar is Rs. 283.92. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) publishes this interbank exchange rate for the US dollar to the Pakistani rupee each day at the close of business.
It is important to note that, in accordance with the State Bank of Pakistan, this Dollar to PKR (US Dollar to Pakistani Rupee Rate in Pakistan) Today, March 29, 2023, exchange rate represents the interbank closing exchange rate (SBP).
The company credits all incoming remittances to clients’ accounts based on the interbank rate, while it charges outgoing transactions at open market rates. In essence, banks charge clients open market rates when they purchase foreign currency and interbank rates when they sell it.
Current Dollar to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate
On March 28, 2023, the US Dollar exchange rate was Rs. 283.55 to the Pakistani Rupee (PKR). On March 29, 2023, it climbed by Rs. 0.37, making the new Dollar to PKR exchange rate Rs. 283.92.
Additionally, The US Dollar to PKR (Pakistani Rupee) exchange rate in Pakistaan today, March 29, 2023, is shown below, along with the appreciation and depreciation during the previous day.