You can rely on Netflix to disclose all upcoming true-story television shows, and the first teaser for the Danish TV program The Nurse has just been released on the streaming service. The series, which is based on Kristian Corfixen’s book of the same name, tells the true story of a Danish nurse who was found guilty of several charges of attempted manslaughter.
A foreboding atmosphere for late-night hospital shifts is created by the premise, plot, and colour scheme of the new Danish series, which is similar to Netflix’s previously released English film The Good Nurse (also based on true events) and stars Eddie Redmayne and Jessica Chastain. The Nurse, which was directed by Kasper Barfod, stars Josephine Park, Fanny Bernth, Amalie Lindegrd, and Dick Kays. For the show, which was created by Nina Leidersdorff and Morten Kjems Hytten Juhl under the auspices of SAM Productions, Dorte W. Hgh and Kasper Barfoed contributed as the head writers.