Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui files a defamation lawsuit in the Bombay High Court against his ex-wife Aaliya Siddiqui, also known as Zainab Siddiqui, seeking 100 crores in damages. Additionally, he claimed that his brother Shamasuddin Siddiqui had made false and defamatory claims about him in this case.
The actor has also requested a written apology from his ex wife and brother, according to the news source PTI. He claimed in the lawsuit that Shamasuddin, who served as his manager in 2008, “blindly” delegated to him all financial tasks. Shamasuddin allegedly started deceiving and scamming Nawazuddin, and used the actor’s funds to buy real estate.
It was said that the actor discovered the scam and inquired about it. Shamasuddin then encouraged his ex-wife, Aaliya, to bring a bogus lawsuit against Nawazuddin. Aaliya and the actor recently got into a property fight.
Nawazuddin further pleaded with the High Court to indefinitely enjoin Aaliya and his brother from saying anything negative about him. He said that they stole 21 crores of his money.
The lawsuit added that Shamasuddin and Aaliya conspired against the actor when he requested the return of his properties and began extorting him using “cheap movies and comments on social media.” According to the news agency PTI, the case will allegedly be heard on March 30 by Judge Riyaz Chagla’s single bench.
Allegations and Accusations
Shamas, in response to the defamation lawsuit, accused Nawazuddin of a number of things. He said in a tweet that the actor had committed 11 more grave offences and “ruined” 11 years of his life. The actor, according to him, has been married three times. “My brother #NawazuddinSiddiqui these are not allegations but emotions,” Shamas stated in Hindi. He had just shared a lengthy list of such allegations.
When Aaliya alleged that she was being harassed at Nawazuddin’s Mumbai home in January, Nawazuddin made headlines. She had come back with their children from Dubai, Sora and Yaani. A property dispute led to a complaint being made against her by the actor’s mother.