Aryan Khan, the son of actor Shah Rukh Khan, launched the opulent D’YAVOL brand.
Aryan Khan launches D’YAVOL, a Global Luxury Collective – Partners with AB InBev India
More : #mediainfoline #AryanKhan #launch #DYAVOL #Global #Luxury #Collective #Partners #ABInBevIndia
— Media Infoline (@MediaInfoline) December 13, 2022
Khan’s premium line was founded by Leti Blagoeva and Bunty Singh. The three company partners want to offer the best global experiences and reasonably priced apparel, entertainment, and libations.
“My two close friends and I have been working nonstop for the past five years to make this global lifestyle collective a reality,” Aryan continued. In order to showcase the best in the world to discriminating customers, D’YAVOL presents a disruptive style supported by an unwavering focus on quality and craftsmanship.
New efforts under Khan’s D’YAVOL brand will shortly be unveiled. The premium beverage projects of AB InBevIndia will be the first to get underway. The brand will thereafter include upscale lifestyle products.
Aryan Khan has finished writing his first film for his father’s business, according to PinkVilla.
The gang is here.
The brand was conceived with assistance from his friends who later became business partners, Bunty Singh and Blagoeva, and it has been under development for about five years. German businessman Singh first met Khan’s father, Shah Rukh Khan, while the latter was filming the movie Dilwale in Bulgaria between 2014 and 2015. We got along well when I initially met his father and wound up staying in touch. When I was in India, I met Aryan, and perhaps because we had similar genetic makeup, we clicked. Video games, professional wrestling, electronics, and technology were just a few of our shared hobbies. He called me at some random time and described his vision for what he wanted to build, Singh recalls.
Working with Khan is a breath of fresh air for the Bulgaria-based couple, who have been partners in life and business for 23 years. Since we aren’t so youthful anymore, hanging out with him keeps us young. We are partners in everything—in life, in business, and in just about everything else. “To put it simply, at D’yavol, Bunty is the product guy and makes sure the quality is high, whilst I manage the creative design and marketing strategy. Leti handles business and controls us both since either I or him can go crazy, says Khan. Blagoeva chuckles, “I’m the party pooper in chief, I guess. She describes the relationship among the three co-founders as having a “cool dynamic.”
Aryan’s Insta post #DYAVOL #AryanKhan
— 👸Sharania Jhanvi𓀠🌹Pathaan (@SharaniaJ) December 13, 2022